TUZSON-BERCZELI PÉTER festőművész - Peter TUZSON-BERCZELI painter artist

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Peter TUZSON-BERCZELI was born in Targu Mures on the 1 st of august 1966. (RO) 1976-84: He studied graphics in the local fine arts school. 1993: Graduated as a teacher of drawing from the „Gyula Juhász” Academy, Szeged, and Human managament in the St. Stephan University, Gödöllő. (HU) He lives in Hungary since february 1989. For a few years he worked at the „Budapest Film” Ltd. as a poster designer. Since 1991 he has been a free lance painter artist. He is a member of the National Association of Hungarian Artists, of the Hungarian Union of Fine and Applied Artists, of the Studio of Young Artists and Society of Hungarian Painters and Association of Hungarian Graphic Arts. From 2017, he became the member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts.

Individual exhibitions: 1983: Apollo Gallery, Marosvásárhely (RO); 1987: County Museums of Transylvania. Csíkszereda, Székelyudvarhely, Balánbánya (RO); 1989: Déryné Cultural Centre, Jászberény (HU); 1991: Mini Gallery, Szeged (HU); 1991: "Chagall Telegram", Chagall Gallery, Budapest (HU); 1992: Vizivárosi Gallery, Budapest (HU); 1992: "Casus exam exhibition", Municipal Cultural Center, Budapest; 1992: "Pitypang" School Gallery, Budapest; 1993: Csók István Gallery, Budapest (HU); 1994: "1x2" , Prime Minister's Office, Budapest; 1998: Palazzo Lazzaroni, Roma (I); 1999: Komédium Gallery, Budapest. (HU); 1999: Iso-Polis Gallery, Budapest, (HU); 1999: Hotel Kulturinnov, Budapest, (HU); 2000: Budapest Bank, Budapest, (HU); 2011: „Rewritten”, Day of Hungarian Culture, VOKE JAMK, Dunakeszi, (HU). 2013: "Pentimento" retrospective exhibition in Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism, Kultea Gallery, Budapest (HU), 2014: "Fragments" DunaArt Gallery, Dunakeszi (HU); 2015: „Unchanged” Udvarház Gallery. Veresegyház (HU); 2016: “Midway 25” DunArt Gallery, Dunakeszi (HU); 2018: „He’s back …” Vörösmarty Cltural House, Fót (HU).

Group exhibitions: 1981-82-83-87: Unio Gallery, Marosvásárhely (RO); 1985: Dalles Hall, Bucharest (RO); 1988: D' Annunzio Museum, Citta di Pescara (I); 1985-87-89: Stedelijk Museum, Sint Niklaas (NL); 1989: Galleria Tuttagrafica, Torino (I); 1989: Bordighera (I); 1989-91: Kruishoutem (B); 1989: Castello Inferiore, Vicenza (I); 1989: Isztambul (TR); 1990-92: Stúdió '90, '92,Ernst Museum, Budapest (H); 1990: Szeged (H); 1990: Milleau International, Budapest (H); 1990: Vizivárosi Gallery, Budapest (H); 1990: Munkácsy Museum, Békéscsaba (H); 1991: Stúdió '91, Budavár Palace, Budapest (H); 1991: Marczibányi Cultural Centre, Budapest (H); 1992: VI. Avantgarde, Szeged (H); 1992: Peter’s Gallery, Limassol (CY); 1993: XXII. Salgótarjáni Spring festival; (H); 1993: Móra Ferenc Museum, Szeged (H); 1993: Art today, Museum of Transport, Budapest (H); 1993: Hungarian Art, Nicosia (CY); 1993: Imatra, Nurmesz, Kuopio (SF); 1993: Stúdió '93, Budapest Gallery, (H); 1994: Schloss Mittersill (A); 1994: Artexpo, Budapest (H); 1994: Spring Festival „Petőfi” Hall, Budapest (H); 1994: First natoinal coloured print graphics, Szekszárd (H); 1994: Móra Ferenc Museum, Szeged (H); 1994: Miskolci Gallery, (H) ; 1994: Holocaust, Art’s House, Szekszárd (H); 1994: Piranesi paraphrases, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest (H); 1994: Kidnap of Europe, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest (H); 1995: Artexpo Budapest (H); 1995: The west literary Museum, Budapest (H); 1995: III. Spring Festival, Báv Gallery, Budapest (H); 1995: XIII. Summer Show, Debrecen (H); 1996: Minimal art, Csontváry Gallery, Budapest (H); 1996: Artexpo, Budapest, (H); 1996: XV Aquarell Show, Eger (H); 1996: Messages of the another world, Győr (H); 1996: XIV. Summer Festival, Debrecen (H); 1996: Roots, Art's House, Szekszárd (H); 1996: Small graphic, Újpest Gallery (H); 1996: Strange prints, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest (H); 1996: Grassalkovich Castle, Gödöllő (H); 1997: II. Natoinal Coloured Print graphics, Szekszárd (H); 1997: III. International mail-art, Vasary Museum, Kaposvár (H); 1998: Mail-art, Újpest Gallery, Budapest (H); 1998: XVI. Aquarell show, Eger (H); 1998: Pest-Buda 125, Tunnel of Buda, Budapest (H); 1998: XV. Summer show, Debrecen (H); 1998: Ex libris, Albegna (I); 1998: Mail-art, Undine (I); 1998: Ecce Homo, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest (H). 1999: Art Budapest, Hungexpo, (H); 1999: Vasarely Museum. Budapest ,(H); 1999: Summer Show, „Dunakeszi’s Day”, Dunakeszi, (H); 2000: „Westárlat”, Vista Center, Budapest, (H); 2000: XX. Miskolci Grafikai Biennálé,Miskolc, (H); 2000: XVII. Akvarell Biennálé, Dobó István Museum. Eger, (H); 2000: „Szín-Tér 2000”, Palme Hause, Budapest, (H); 2000: „Pest County Exhibitiont 2000”, Art Museum, Szentendre, (H); 2000: Palme House, Budapest, (H); 2000: XV.Summer Show, Debrecen, (H); 2000: III. Color Print Biennálé, Art’s House, Szekszárd, (H); 2000: „Electrographic Art 2000”, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest, (H); 2000: Hungarian Painter Association, Csepel Gallery. Budapest; 2000: Collection of Hungarian Graphics Foundation, Hungarian Patent Office, Budapest, (H), 2000: IV.Computer Art, Rzeszów (PL). 2001: „Contemporary art Auction”, Hungrian Cultural House, Budapest; (H); 2001: „Allurement 2001”,Club Gallery. Budapest; (H); 2001: „Winther Salon”, Madách Cultural Center. Vác. (H); 2002: „Spring Auction 2002”, Budapest Gallery, (H); 2002: XXI. Miskolci Grafikai Biennálé; (H); 2002: „Tends” Arts House, Szekszárd; (H); 2002: „21. Century…”, Art Mill, Szentendre; (H); 2003: IV. Natiowide Color print Biennial, Arts House, Szekszárd; (H); 2005:”Freedom” II. International Mail-Art. Debrecen, (H); 2007: V. Electrographic Biennial, Rzeszów (PL). 2008: “Christian art”, Ikar Gallery, Sofia, (BU). 2008: „Contemporary art Auction”, Axio Art, Budapest (H); 2008: XXV.AYDIN Dogan International Cartoon Competition, Istambul (TR); 2008: Small Graphic Forms 2008, Újpest Gallery, Budapest, (H); 2008: Goyang International Art Festival, Oulim Art Musium, Goyang; (South Korea). 2009: „Fax for Peace”, Instituto Superiore, Spilimbergo (I); 2009:International Graphic Triennal; Bitola; Prilep; Resen; Skopje; Stip. (Macedonia); 2009: XII. Summer Show, VOKE Dunakeszi; 2009: „Today” Csepel Gallery, Art’s House, Budapest; 2010: XIII. Summer Show, VOKE Dunakeszi (H); 2010: „Small paintings” II. International Exhibition Subotica; Horgos; Topola; Sombor; Ada; Temerin (SRB) 2011: Senta (SRB); 2011: "Sign-pictures" Hommage a Csoma Kőrösi, City art Gallery of Kovasna (RO); 2011: XXI. Summer Show, Debrecen, (H); 2011: XIV. Summer Show, VOKE Dunakeszi (H); 2011: „Dunakeszi Fest”, Street of Art, Danube Promenade (H); 2011: ”Four + …” Cultural Centre, Nagymaros (H); 2011: Dunart „41.Days of Art”, VOKE JAMK, Dunakeszi (H); 2011: „Contemporary art Auction”, Axio Art, Budapest (H); 2011: „Litle winter exhibitiont”, Amaltheia G. Verőce (H); 2012: „Small paintings” III. International Exhibition Subotica; Horgos; Topola; Sombor; Ada; Temerin (SRB) 2012: International Graphic Triennal; Bitola (Macedonia); 2012: „SACRAL SPACE” , City art Gallery of Kovasna (RO); 2012: „SISSI” Mail Art, Florean Museum, Baia Mare (RO); 2012: XV. Summer Show, VOKE Dunakeszi (HU); 2012: "Immortal ...", Library Gallery, Zebegény (HU); 2012: „Dunakeszi Fest”, Street of Art, Danube Promenade (HU); 2012: „Dunart II”, VOKE JAMK, Dunakeszi (HU); 2012: "Colors-lines-directions," National Dance Gallery, Budapest (HU); 2013: "Matrices '12" IV. International Electrographic Art Works, Art9 & Erlin Gallery, Budapest (HU). 2013: „Collumns”, City art Gallery of Kovasna (RO); 2013: „Selfe Portarites”, Arcis G. , Nadasdy-castle, Sárvár (HU); 2013: „Trans-Paris Express”, Hommage a Mondrian, La Pagode, Paris (FR); 2013: „Insomnia” Land art video, Ignis, Satra mounts, Maramures (RO); 2013: „FIFE ’13” Festival franco englaise de poesie, La Pagode, Paris (FR); 2013: XVI. Summer Show, VOKE Dunakeszi (HU). 2013: „Ars Sacra”, Unitarian Church, Budapest (HU); 2013: „Ars Sacra”, Catholic Church, Fót (HU); 2013: „Four elements”, Olof Palme House, Budapest (HU); 2013: „Steps”, VOKE JAMK. Dunakeszi; 2013: "Color Image-Drawing”, National Dance Gallery-Axioart, Contemporary art Auction Budapest; 2014: „Remarque”, 5th Mail Art Biennial, Gallery of Miskolc (HU); 2014: „Picture sonetts”, III. Mega-Pixel, Electrographic Art Works, Fuga Center of Arhitecture, Budapest (HU); 2014: „Poets’ spring”, Video project, ICR Paris (FR); 2014: „Inside-outside”, Box show of the Hungarian Painters Society, Vizivárosi G. Budapest (HU); 2014: „Spring exhibition”, DunArt G. Dunakeszi (HU); 2014: „Signs”, City art Gallery of Kovasna (RO); 2014: „Labyrinth”, Ferenczy Museum – Művészet Malom, Szentendre (HU); 2014: XVII. Summer Show, VOKE Dunakeszi;2014: „Dunakeszi Fest”, Dunakeszi; 2014: „DunArt Autumm Exhibition”, Magyarság G. Dunakeszi; 2014: „IV. Small Paintings International Exhibition”, Szabadka, Topolya, Zenta (SRB); 2014: „Duna” Kortárs G. Vermes-villa, Dunaszerdahely (SK); 2014: „Duna” MANK G. Szentendre; 2014: Mail Art ’14. Incline G. San Francisco (USA); 2015: „Face-Faces”, City art Gallery of Kovasna (RO); 2015: „Spring exhibition”, DunArt G. Dunakeszi (HU); 2015: "Here and now art 'National Salon '15 - e-Project, Kunsthalle, Budapest (HU); 2015: „My Country”, Contemporary Gallery. Vermes-palace, Dunaszerdahely (SK); 2015: XVIII. Summer Show, VOKE Dunakeszi (HU); 2015: „MFT 20”, Jubilee exhibition, Fuga Center of Arhitecture, Budapest (HU); 2015: „Contemporary …”, Sigil Gallery. Nagymaros (HU); 2015: „… In artists’ mirror” DunArt, Magyarság G. Dunakeszi (HU); 2015: „Harmony” MűvészetMalom, Szentendre (HU); 2015: „Homeland” MANK G. Szentendre (HU); 2016: "Soaring” City art Gallery of Kovasna (RO); 2016: „V. Small Paintings International Exhibition”, Szabadka, Topolya, Zenta, Ada (SRB); 2016: „On Forgeries” Wirtual project, Medio Monte, Baia Sprie (RO); 2016: XIX. Summer Show, DunArt G. Dunakeszi (HU). 2017: „Light and Shadow” City art Gallery of Kovasna (RO); 2017: „34. Spring exhibition of Salgótarján”, Béla Dornyay Museum, Salgótarján (HU); 2017: „Dunakeszi 40” Government Office for Pest County, Budapest (HU); 2017: „Summer Show”, Dunart Gallery. Dunakeszi (HU); 2017: XX. Summer Show, VOKE JAMK. Dunakeszi (HU); 2017: „Dunakeszi Fest”, Dunakeszi (HU); 2017: „ Wine Festival Show” Mihály Babits Cultural Centre, Szekszárd (HU); 2017: „Gate” Contemporary Gallery, Dunaszerdahely (SK); 2017: „Bartók Opera Festival”, Otto Herman Museum, Miskolc (HU); 2017: „Luther’s Treasure”, International Mail Art, Reformed Church, Avas (HU); 2017: „Gate” MANK Gallery, Szentendre (HU); 2017: „Chaos and Order” REÖK Palace, Szeged (HU); 2018: „DunArtWinter Show”, Magyarság Gallery, Dunakeszi (HU); 2018: „Destiny” City art Gallery of Kovasna (RO); 2018: „In Memoriam Gábor Karátson”, Fuga Center of Arhitecture, Budapest (HU); 2018: XXI. Summer Show, VOKE JAMK. Dunakeszi (HU); 2018: „Dunakeszi Fest”, Dunakeszi (HU); 2018: „Hungarian - Polish friendship 1000 years”, ÓL Gallery, Dörgicse, Dual Art Gallery, Budapest (HU); 2018: „Cross-Section”, Imre Gaál Gallery. Pesterzsébeti Museum. Budapest (HU); 2018: „Inventory 2018”, Department of Art History, SZTE JGYPK, Szeged (HU); 2018: „VI. Small Paintings International Exhibition”, Szabadka, Topolya, Ada, Magyarkanizsa (SRB); 2018: „Family” Contemporary Gallery, Dunaszerdahely (SK); 2018: „Small Paintings Salon”, MKISZ Gallery. Budapest (HU); 2018: „Család” MANK Gallery. Szentendre (HU).

Works in public property: Inthera AG. Budapest; AG.M. Loucaides & Sons Ltd., Limassol (CY); Central Creditbank AG, Wien (A); BKD Dresdner Bank, Budapest (H); Haris Business House, Budapest (H); Cristal Castle, Hatvan (H); Hofmann Schneider Gmbh. (D); EDF Corporation, Budapest (H).

Graphics: Museo dell' Informazione, Senigallia (I); D' Annunzio Museum, Pescara (I); Stedelijk Museum, Sint Niklaas (NL).

Prizes: 1985: National prize for painters, Bucharest (RO); 1989-90: First prize for painters and special prize Szeged; 1994: Prize of the Association of the Hungarian Artists, Szekszárd. 1997: "Árpád" order honours, (Habitat for Humanity International). 2013: "City Cultural Award" honours, Dunakeszi (HU). 2014: Dunakeszi City "Mayor's Award". 2015: Hungarian Gold Cross of Merit. 2015: “Harmony” Professional Award of the National Association of Hungarian Artists, Szentendre (HU). 2017: „Chaos and Order” Professional Award of the National Association of Hungarian Artists, Szeged (HU). 2018: “Family” Professional Award of the National Association of Hungarian Artists, Szentendre (HU).





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TUZSON-BERCZELI PÉTER festőművész - Peter TUZSON-BERCZELI painter artist - © 2008 - 2025 - tuzsongaleria.hupont.hu

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